Message from the Club Chairman

Posted by David Pope on 9 January 2022

On Monday 22 November 2021, an emergency committee meeting was held to address some issues that are having a serious impact on the club.
The most significant of these was regarding players attitudes, commitment and retention. The following sets out the key issues the chairman needs you all to address in the 2nd half of the season.

The main issues are these:

During the close season the club lost a number of players however it was hoped that there would be enough players to fulfil the 4 mens teams on a weekly basis, unfortunately this has not been the case. If we do not get more player commitment the Mens 4s will fold after Christmas as we cannot continue to field teams of only 9 or 10 players in both the 3s and 4s and limit the 1s and 2s to 12 players per game

Despite invites being issued by email on Sunday/Monday players do not reply in a timely manner which leads to captains having to chase players up and often they are still organising teams on a Thursday or Friday evening. This is not acceptable. It is unfair to increase the captain’s workload just because people can’t be bothered to be proactive or reply in a timely manner.

On the website there is the facility to input when you are not available, could all players please make use of this, so the club is aware in advance of any weeks that are going to cause a particular problem. It is also of the utmost importance that you reply as soon as possible to the match selection.

Matches and conduct on the pitch
More players are not respecting the umpires who volunteer week in week out. As a club we need to respect all umpires and officials of the club including captains and coaches. We have already lost umpires this season and others refuse to umpire certain teams because of the dissent and abuse which is directed at them. 
Without these people matches will not take place and the club cannot function.

After Match Teas 
It is not acceptable (unless there are extenuating circumstances) for players not to attend teas and help make tea and coffee etc, and clear away. This is disrespectful to the opposition and to the committee who have worked hard over the summer to get teas at the pitch side.

Code of Conduct 
The committee all agree that it is not enough to turn up and play, there is more to being a member of a club than just playing. We have therefore decided to produce a Members Charter that members are expected as far as possible to adhere to.


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Current players please register online now (blue button). New or returning? Find out more about our club either as a player, official, coach or volunteer. 

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